Well, this last month has been pretty busy for me. Presented at the Canadian Undergraduate Math Conference here at McGill. Been working on the development of a metaecosystem model with my colleague from France. Attempting to have some sort of social life worth living. So, all in all, I have been working, going out and sleeping... that and cleaning my apartment. Therefore, this blog (and my other writings) have been neglected for quite some time. However, I am sure that I will be able to churn out the paragraphs soon as I have been reading actual books instead of the crap that passes for 'writing' on blogs and newspapers. Not to say that op-ed columnists and their blogger dopplegangers are all horrible as there are some talented writers out there (looking specifically at Billmon right now). Nevertheless, the shit that gets posted or reported these days is complete crap for the most part and with a new war on (yay, more bloodshed! Now we can fill
two oceans with blood instead of one), things can only get worse.